Wednesday 24 December 2008

Little big planet review hope you like 9.7/10 a must buy

well after playing it enjoying myself to crap i finished it probbably is the best game yet ive aced all levels a played over 150 community levels and have hearted many of them lots of hearted creators and well my favourite chapter has to be the temples really funny music and well the dancing people in the background dancing wierdly lol cant stop laughing im planning to play it again so i can understad the story and actually take in some information about it like the story i thought it was kind of cheezy story well its not im playing through it over and over again on the canyons when playing with one of my cousines or brother i always would killem and well lets move on to online absolute rubbish cant stand it half way through the last lvel itl say connection error man so annoying makes me angry and thinking why???? really needed a times 4 but luckily they got a patch for it now i got the times 4 with some random person and now were friends i wouldve gave it a 7/10 but they got lucky.
and the new extension pack its amazing love shooting the paintballs really fun one of my friends invited me to playwith them he says he wants to play or fun so i thought hell why not pretty bored and all the sudden playing mgs4 pack its well cool
well the my moon i thinks it actually cool but it has its up and down and well the down is its f****** hard to make a level but i manage and the play create and share on my info thing one the left planet doesnt work if anyone knows why tell me please by either commenting or adding me thanks for reading and this is the score i give and if you should buy or not

story: 9/10

online: 9.8/10

extension pack: 10/10

My moon: 9/10

play create and share on the left planet: 8/10

overall 9.7/10

buy or not to bu I SAY BUY Youl love it to parts swear to it if i do then so do you tell me when ever you want me to review somthing il buy it and by a week il tell you everthing thanks and thats the end for this review

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